Although male pattern baldness may be one of the most common causes of hair loss in the world, there are many other reasons why people can lose their hair. We are going to take a look at some of the other types of hair loss, including two types of alopecia and temporary hair loss in women.1. Alopecia AreataThought to affect somewhere between 0.1% and 2% of people around the world, alopecia areata is a fairly common type of hair loss that can cause distress and eventually baldness. Although alopecia areata is usually first noticed in childhood or teen years, this condition can affect anyone at any age. The first signs will include random bald patches on the scalp, which can then rapidly spread to cover the entire head. Some people with alopecia will also lose hair on other parts of their body, depending on the extremity of the disease. There are no known specific causes of alopecia areata, which is an autoimmune disease, however some medications can bring on this form of hair loss as a side effect.2. Traction AlopeciaThis form of hair loss is slightly different from alopecia areata, as it is thought to be caused by particular hairstyles or braiding. Any style that pulls their hairline back forcefully can cause traction alopecia, especially if worn for long periods of time. This type of hair loss is most commonly found in African American women, due to the popularity of weaves and braiding patterns. However, anyone who wears their hair in these tight styles, such as ballerinas, can experience traction alopecia. Other causes include dreadlocks and wearing headgear (such as safety helmets) that are too tight, for long periods of time.3. Telogen EffluviumAlso known as TE, telogen effluvium is thought to be the second most common form of hair loss in the world. Although there is very little research into the condition currently, research has shown that TE is caused by a change in the number of hair follicles growing new hair. A significant reduction of hair follicles during telogen effluvium can cause shedding, rapid hair loss and baldness. There are many reasons why people can experience TE, from giving birth to vaccinations and even crash diets.4. Cancer Related Hair LossThose who have been diagnosed with cancer may already have been prepared for hair loss, after discussing the side effects of different cancer treatments. However, it can still be a shock to see hair shedding from different areas of the body. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the causes of cancer related hair loss, yet the severity of this side effect impacts people in different ways; some people may lose all their hair, whereas others could just experience smaller patches of hair loss.5. Temporary Hair Loss Due to HormonesAlthough it is thought that mainly men lose their hair, millions of women can experience it too. Temporary hair loss due to hormones is a common problem with women and can be a sign of a medical issue or hormonal imbalance. Thyroid gland problems are one of the main reasons for temporary hair loss in women, so it is important to see your doctor for further tests. Many women who experience hair loss due to hormones will find that their hair grows back, once the underlying issue has been treated.There are many reasons that hair loss can occur, in men, women and children. Whatever the cause behind your hair loss, there are ways to disguise patches or balding; give Total Cover Plus a call and see how we can help you through your hair loss worries.